

Here you want to write a short paragraph that quickly explains exactly what your product/service is and how it’s the perfect solution for your potential customers

Future-proof tools and training for Everyone

stand-alone online training

Mentoring platform that provides its members with the tools and training necessary to promote and run a successful business online or offline.

  • Income Opportunity
  • Genesis Product Packages
  • Sign Up
  • Check Email
  • start earning!


Exitus Elite membership includes all the tools and education you need to thrive in today's challenging financial climate. In the Exitus Hubs, you will learn how to market your business, offer or service on most Social Media Platforms. 

Tools & Support

As an Exitus Elite Member, you will learn about Ringless Voicemail, SMS BOT technology, and Facebook Messenger BOTS. These tools are part of what is termed Conversational Marketing, it is a vast business, and 90% of companies don't know where to start. But you will!

About Me

David Harris

“Hi, my name is David Harris. I'm an Online Success Coach and a full-time Internet Marketer. I'm married with a son and daughter. I've been working online from home now for the last 23 years. I'm a 7 Figure Earner who has cracked the code on how to make money online from home full-time. It's truly my passion to help others succeed and live the life they deserve!”

Online Marketer & Entrepreneur

Exclusive Bonuses

You will get the following exclusive bonuses for joining Success Story Team

Private Telegram Chat Room

I have a dedicated private Telegram chat room for all of my members in EE where they can get inside info on the same methods I use to make six figures every year…

This includes additional money-making methods that are outside the scope of Exitus Elite.

That’s in Exitus Elite or in any other businesses I’m involved with.

If I find something new that works, I will be sharing it with my group. You will be able to use the same exact marketing tools and methods that I’m using.

Ask any question about EE or anything internet marketing related in general. We’re here to help.

Access to My Advertising Methods

You will get access to all of my free and paid advertising methods and sources.
Including several sources that are not common knowledge to the public.

You’ll also have full access to all funnels that I build or have built to use in your own marketing.

This includes follow-up emails or any other aspect of a given funnel or funnels I’m using.

These will give you a huge advantage over anyone else that is not on my team.

Hands-Free Premium Traffic

That you can get from my group traffic rotator, no need to worry about traffic anymore.

Many of you need or want a way to get consistent traffic to your funnel without having to do all the testing to find out what converts best.

This is my job and your hands-free solution.

Access to Internet Marketing Paid Membership Site

Free access to my internet marketing paid membership site, “Intersect Marketing”

Coming Soon!

Use These Bonuses As Your Own

You have the ability to use these bonuses in your marketing as if they were your own.

Leverage my experiences in internet marketing to propel you to the next level.

You will only be able to get these 5 bonuses from me. No one else in EE will be able to offer you these exclusive bonuses.

I will be adding even more bonuses as time goes on.



step 1

Get Your Questions Answered

If you have further questions about how Exitus Elite works, you can watch these explanation videos.

Speak with a live call center agent who is standing by to answer all of your EE questions or concerns.

If you have any questions about the Success Story Team Bonuses or marketing- Contact David Harris.

step 2

Join Success Story Team

If you have no questions and are ready to join Success Story Team and Exitus Elite, please click on the Join Now button below. Once you have paid the EE admin fee (shown only after registration) and Member payment, you will be sent an on-boarding welcome email with info on how to access your Success Story Team bonuses.

step 3

Setup Your Back Office

After becoming a member, set up your back office with all of your information so your new members know how to pay you. Your custom marketing funnel (mentioned below) will also include a way for your to accept and get paid by credit cards directly.

step 4

Have Your Marketing Funnel Built

After you set up your payment options inside your new EE account, you will need to get your custom "Success Story Team" marketing funnel built by Caryn over at Convert Funnels. It will look just like the page you are looking at right now except it will have your info so you get the sale. Right after your new EE account is marked as paid, you will receive an on-boarding email from me that includes everything else you need to market your business just like Dave does. If you don't get this email, be sure to email me at so I can get that right over to you.

step 5

Start Driving Traffic

Start driving traffic to your new funnel system whether it be from "Dave's Team Traffic Rotator" or our other tested advertising methods or any of your own sources.

step 6

Get Paid!

Sit back and watch the sales flow in as your new "Success Story Team" marketing funnel and call center agents go to work for you! So go on and take the next step to earning that extra income or even quitting your job and taking back control of your life.

David Harris


Join Us Today!

If you are ready to get started then click the button below to register and get started right away!

If you still have questions or need more information to help you make a decision, please "make the call" - our friendly professional call center rep will answer all your questions and help you register once you are ready.

You MUST provide the Sponsor ID number below when you call.


Please call...

(800) 232-2109

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